Directional Forces 2014 Serbia
dates 10th - 23rd April 2014
Address: O3ONE Gallery
12 Andrićev venac, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
Phone:+381 11 3238789
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This exhibition presents 18 artists and their works were created in the "art lab" Artoll in Germany. Artoll specializes art institution with studios within the complex psychiatric clinic on the outskirts of the city of Kleve, where he lived and worked for Joseph Boys (Joseph Beuys, 1921-in 1986.) Is one of the most charismatic German artists of the twentieth century. Name of Colony " Directional Forces 2014" ( " directing power 2014" ) , borrowed from the same part by Joseph Beuys . This work was presented for the first completed his cycle form of an installation at the National Gallery in Berlin.
Name of Colony " Directional Forces 2014" ( " directing power 2014" ) , borrowed from the same part by Joseph Beuys . This work was presented for the first time at the exhibition : Directions energy towards a new society - Richtkräfte ( Directions to Energies of a New Society - Richtkräfte ) at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London ( October 30 to November 24 , 1974. Whatever . ) . This work is made up of 100 black panel printed white chalk and as such represent a document saved with his lectures. In addition to the panel , the exhibition was presented three easel , walking sticks and photos projected on the wall . During the exhibition Boyce led the dialogue with the audience on " The Art of society - in the arts ." Later , the same paper was presented at Rene Block Gallery and Ronald Feldman Fine Arts in New York (April - May 1975 ). Then , at the 37th Biennale in - my Veniciji ( July - October in 1976. ) To eventually completed his cycle form of an installation at the National Gallery in Berlin.
This project "focusing power in 2014" ("Directional Forces 2014") was created and is supported within a professional doctoral program in Visual Arts at the University of East London. It is the oldest program of doctoral studies in the UK dedicated to the practice of visual artists. Also, is supported by Bucks New University (UK), University of Bedfordshire (UK), Indonesia's Sampoerna Foundation (UK) and Artoll Foundation (Germany). The exhibition presents works of the following artists: Sarah Buckle (VB), Sian Mooney (UK), Paul Helliwell (UK), Chin Wu (Taiwan), Mark O 'Rourke (VB), Chen Shih-Lu (South Korea), Hayoung Kim (South Korea), Nerys Mathias (VB), Dean Todd (VB), Dimitrios Oikonomou (Greece), Magdelena Papanicolopoulou (Greece), Veronica Shimanovskaya (U.S. / Russia). Visiting artists: John Stephens (UK), Slobodan Trajkovic (Serbia), Gerhard Stephanus de Groot (Netherlands), Carolyn Schwab (Germany), Tracey Moberly (VB) and Hedley Roberts (VB).
Ova izložba predstavlja 18. umetnika I njihova dela nastala u "umetničkoj labaratoriji" Artoll u Nemačkoj. Artoll je specijalizovana umetnička institucija sa ateljeima, unutar komleksa psihijatriskih klinika na periferiji grada Kleve gde je živeo I radio Džozef Bojs (Joseph Beuys,1921.-1986.) jedan od najharizmatičnijih nemačkih umetnika XX veka. Naziv kolonije "Directional Forces 2014" ("Usmeravajuće moći 2014"), pozajmljen je od istoimenog dela Džosefa Bojsa. To delo je predstavljeno prvi put na izložbi: Pravci energija ka novom drustvu – Richtkräfte (Directions of Energies to a New Society – Richtkräfte) u Institutu za savremenu umetnost u Londonu (30. oktobar – 24. novembar, 1974. god.). Ovo delo je sacinjeno od 100 crnih tabli ispisanih belom kredom I kao takve predstavljaju dokumenta sačuvana sa njegovih predavanja. Pored tabli, na izložbi su bila predstavljena I tri stafelaja, stap za hodanje i fotografije projektovane na zidu. Za vreme izložbe Bojs je vodio I dijalog sa publikom na temu: "Umetnost u društvu – društvo u umetnosti". Kasnije, taj isti rad je predstavljen u galeriji Rene Blok I Ronald Feldman Fine Arts u Njujorku (april – maj 1975.) potom, na 37.-mom Bijenalu u Veniciji (jul – oktobar 1976.) da bi na kraju završio svoj ciklus u formi instalacije u Nacionalnoj galeriji u Berlinu.
Osnovna karakteristika ove "umetničke radionice" bila je njena otvorenost I naglašena mogućnost interakcije učesnika. Sve se dešavalo u atmosferi "otvorenosti" prostora gde su umetnici boravli i radili, u zgradi bez vrata sa konstantnom usmerenoscu na pitanje: kako umetnik razmišlja I koji je stepen artikulacije njegovog procesa saznavanja? Stvaranje u "prvilegovanom prostoru imaginarne slobode" (u ateljeu) je solipsizam kome umetnik pribegava stvarajući time barjeru izmedju sebe I publike. U toj konvenciji tradicije, u izolaciji (izgnanstvu), umetnik gradi svoje boravište u kome otvara dijalog sa "nepoznatim"…
Ovaj projekt "Usmeravajuce moci 2014" ("Directional Forces 2014") je kreiran I podrzan unutar profesionalnog Doktorskog programa u oblasti vizuelne umetnosti Univerziteta istočnog Londona. To je najstariji program doktorskih studija u Velikoj Britaniji posvecen praksi vizuelnih umetnika. Takodje, podrzan je I od: Bucks novi univerzitet (VB), Bedfordshire univerzitet (VB), Sampoerna fondacije Indonezije (VB) I Artoll fondacije (Nemacka). Na izlozbi su predstavljena dela sledecih umetnika: Sarah Buckle (VB), Sian Mooney (VB), Paul Helliwell (VB), Chin Wu (Tajvan), Mark O' Rourke (VB), Chen-Shih Lu (Juzna Koreja), Hayoung Kim (Juzna Koreja), Nerys Mathias (VB), Dean Todd (VB), Dimitrios Oikonomou (Grcka), Magdelena Papanicolopoulou (Grcka), Veronica Shimanovskaya (SAD/Rusija). Gostujuci umetnici: John Stephens (VB), Slobodan Trajkovic (Srbija), Gerhard Stephanus de Groot (Holandija), Karolin Schwab (Nemacka), Tracey Moberly (VB) i Hedley Roberts (VB).