red alert
an art action for the launch of the Seville anti-flesh trafficking and prostitution initiative
'Sevilla Ciudad Libre de Explotacion Sexual'
setting up photos...
exhibition photos...
Prostitution, pornography and flesh is the second largest market force after the arms trade. Surrounded by conflicting laws and statistics it is a difficult subject that, in reality, is closer than we think to our everyday life. 'Seville Ciudad Libre de Explotacion Sexual' is a unique new exhibition that allows us to examine these contrary emotions.
Sensitisation does not always have to come from lived experience, exposure, humiliation, revolution, necessity. It can also come through the work of artists in many media. They bring us to the edge of our culture, to the communal window, even if we are not going to be able to get further than that. However, the communal window is a major step in the right direction; it allows us to open it and to dialogue with others of the same or different cultures.
More than that, artists help up to detect what the future holds in store and make us face & debate some of the more difficult aspects of life.
'Sevilla Ciudad Libre de Explotacion Sexual'
Friday 23rd February until Wednesday 14th March 2007
Open 11.00-14.00 and 17.00-20.00 Monday - Saturday
Casino de la Exposicion,
Teatro Lope de Vega
Avenida de Ma Luisa s/n
Sevilla Espana
Information 954 546 107
The Launch event 'Red Alert' By Tracey Moberly will be held on the 23rd at 20.00
The Exhibition is a commission from the Women's committee of Seville and has been produced by Diavolo Produccion Cultural under the direction of Victoria Rodriguez Cruz with Laura Jamieson-Black acting as an artistic consultant,
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