
and citations]

book_cover.150 Caerphilly Chronicles
by Tracey Moberly

Spring 2018
100329.100.jpg Text-me-Up!
by Tracey Moberly

Spring 2011
agiddisco.100.jpg Agit Disco
curated by Stefan Szczelkun

September 10
November 11
20100128.Dazed-Digital-cover.100.jpg Haiti Ghetto Biennale
photographs and text by
Tracey Moberly

January 10
200810.Mark_Thomas_Belching_Out_The_Devil_cov.jpg 200810.Mark_Thomas_Belching_Out_The_Devil_2.jpg Belching out the Devil
by Mark Thomas

October 08
081024.RoughPub1.100.jpg The Rough Pub Guide
by Paul Moody and Robin Turner

October 08
200809_Bill_Drummond_cover.jpg 17
by Bill Drummond

September 2008
headonist1.100.jpg headonist2.100.jpg A Hedonist's Guide to London
by Fleur Britten

May 08
200803.Amber_Marks_Head_Space_cov.jpg Headspace
by Amber Marks

March 2008
070601.Twit_cover.jpg The Daily Twit
Plugholes by Tracey Moberly

July 07
070801.Horizons_cover.jpg 070801.Horizons_story1.jpg Horizons
Images by Tracey Moberly

July 07
200706.Tony_Benn_Diaries_2001-2007_cov.jpg Tony Benn Diaries
by Tony Benn

June 2007
200705_Peter_Doherty_cov.jpg Peter Doherty
by Pete Doherty

May 2007
200804.Banksy-_Location_Tours_Cov.jpg Banksy Locations and Tours
by Martin Bull

December 2006
200606.Banksy_cov.jpg Banksy - Wall and Piece

June 2006
070101.ArtistsBrit1.100.gif 070101.ArtistsBrit2.100.gif Artists in Britian since 1945
by David Buckman

dazed_cov1.100.jpg DAZED & CONFUSED
Text by Tracey Moberly; Photographs by Tracey Moberly and Jess Hurd

July 06
raymond_coca_cola_cover.gif Coca-Cola

Jan 06
forsale_t.gif 5 magazine, curated by Gavin Turk
featuring work by artist as Tracey Sanders-Wood and Moira Minguella
Moira: "Our intrepid photographers caught up with them flitting through China Whites, the Colony Rooms, the Met Bar, the Foundry, Zilli's, Groucho's and The Ivy. Hailed by a storm of Paparazzi snappers and film-makers the unsuspecting duo then set off to an undisclosed destination after a threat of migraine from the incessant dazzling flashes of the cameras..."

Tracey: "'Her heart's still open.' The slope where her sweetheart's BURIED with his baby heart. His other young heart beat forever, on and on. Art heart BEAT, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM.....BEAT forever....."

Aug 04
Sic.gif SIC - Adventures in Anti-Capitalism
featuring work by artist as Tracey Sanders-Wood and Moira Minguella
"The scars appeared to heal as quickly as they grew, I'd wait on the end of a phone line simply waiting for God to tell me whether I was going to live or die, God was always a woman with a number of different dialects sat in a hospital office on the other end of my phone line......."

Sep 02
Idler.gif The Idler - Everybody Loves a Fool

"The final act as part of our week long Moscow Trail inspired by the names of Cold War Nuclear warheads, was the sowing of poppy seeds in Red Square (the tolerance of Kremlin Guards was tested prior to this with night fireworks infront of Lenin's tomb..."

Sep 00
NavTerror.gif Navigating the Terror
Contributions by Tracey Sanders-Wood
"The Indigo Hammer Affair hit every major and minor popular, cultural and mainline news network..."

Jul 00
Stalk.gif Stalk
Written with Sue Hubbard
"Transposing private places, gestures and routines a fetishistic activity from an anonymous encounter explores our everyday experience of fantasy and dreams..."

Sep 99
Battleinvain.gif Give Battle In Vain
Co-written with Prof John Hyatt
"Green Granite - Two stage nuclear warhead using lithium 6 deuteride as a thermonuclear component and a Red Beard warhead acting as the nuclear trigger..."

Apr 99
InnovTradition.gif Innovation and Tradition - Fine Arts in Manchester
"and just finished breast feeding for him it was within that week the other and what was it called? opiated more (and more) At ten o'clock we get up and the music starts..." Racy Talker Tracey Sanders-Wood & Karl Harris

Feb 99
1997.John_Hyatt_Navigating_The_Terror_cov.jpg Navigating the Terror
by John Hyatt