Rhymney Valley Express
Tracey Moberly
goes on
06 November 2014
WORK by a Rhymney
Valley artist has gone
on display at the
Caerphilly gallery Y
Tracey Moberly, from
Gilfach, is having nu-
merous works profiled
by the gallery, which in-
clude "Through Dylan
Thomas's Eyes'; based '
on the life and death
of the poet in Swansea,
Laugharne and New
York. Another work,
"Power" includes seven
screen prints 'all based
on the Port Talbot
Power is a collaboration
with Swansea Print
Workshop member
Sarah Hopkins and
Martyn Ware of Heaven
17 and the Human
League. Traceywas
born in Tredegar and
grew up in the Rhymney
Valley before moving
to Manchester.
Then she moved to
London to become the
then co-owner of the
Foundry, a strategic un-
derground arts, music
and political venue.
Tracey said: "I have
always worked as an
artist and always created
work from early
school days, so I don't
know when people
started referring to me
as an artist or when I
began describing
myself as an artist:'
Tracey Moberly's
work and an exhibition
of work from members
of Swansea Print
Workshop can be seen
at Y Galeri, Caerphilly
from 21 October until
November 22.